So one of those most horrifying things about eight years of Obama (yeah, I said horrifying) is thinking about his legal and judiciary legacy. It's widely expected that Eric Holder will step down. The list of replacements for his is just awful. Awful. Janet Napolitano? Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, Illinois
Attorney General Lisa Madigan, and Sens. Claire McCaskill of Missouri,
Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota. Really? I am almost hoping it's McCaskill, purely to get her out of MO, but that is not likely.
I don't want to think about the courts. You need to pray that Scalia and Kennedy stay healthy. And the latter has a big enough ego not to go. I suspect Ginsburg will step down, and I hope it's not til 2014. Status quo can work for now.
There's alot of heartbreak after the election, for jobs that will go unfilled and opportunities lost. And a lot of talented individuals won't have the opportunity to serve, because four years from now, anything can change.
But yeah, just on the issues I care about, the judicial/legal landscape is frightening. The politicization of DOJ will continue, second tier affirmative action candidates will continue to serve, and incompetence will be rewarded. But hey, you get what you vote for.
And it's not like Romney picks in these areas would be perfect. Reagan appointed O'Connor and Bush appointed Souter. But the odds would be remarkably better with a President Romney for a Thomas or Alito.
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