Monday, October 22, 2012

California and Home

Work trips always blend together somewhat, and I'm glad to be back. It was a hectic 48 hours in humid northern California. I ate enough, drank some Peet's, survived two events, and endured 10+ hours on planes. I saw People Like Us, which starred a fantastic Elizabeth Banks. The acting was good, though the plot a bit confused at times. I never figured out what the point was in Chris Pines' corporate bartering problems, and the subtext of the secret sibling relationship seemed weird. All I could think was: Wow, there is now way this single mom is not going to start to have romantic feelings for this mysterious stranger who all of a sudden is being so very nice to both her and her bratty pre-teen son.  It just defied common sense, right? The EW review is right on about how hard it tries to be heartfelt, but just too much was going on.

I also read a lot of the new Melanie Kirkpatrick book on Escape from North Korea. While Nothing to Envy featured tales more from the refugees' perspectives, Kirkpatrick's sensitive description of those rescuers provides another view on this horrible situation.  It's shameful that the U.S. took North Korea off of the terrorist list. The nuclear weapons and the torture of their own people warrants higher scrutiny. I have about 1/4 left to read.

On to the week ahead...Lions tonight, the World Series starts, and one last presidential debate.

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