Monday, August 27, 2012

Michigan for Romney?

Recent polls show the race to be a dead heat in Michigan. And with Michigan's history as Reagan Democrat country, maybe there's a chance that the state will vote for its hometown son this election year? Marc Thiessen sees several reasons why MI may go for the GOP this year beyond just the economy:
But the Romney campaign has also been highlighting two other issues that have particular resonance in Michigan. One is the administration’s contraception and abortifacient mandate, which hurts the president with the socially conservative Reagan Democrats in such places as Macomb County. There are 2.4 million Catholic voters in Michigan, and Obama’s assault on religious liberty has alienated many of them. In May, the Michigan Catholic Conference filed suit against the Obama administration over the Health and Human Services mandate — and Catholic priests will be preaching against it in parishes across the state between now and Election Day. Look for Romney to underscore his opposition to the HHS mandate — and his endorsement by Lech Walesa — with these Catholic voters, many of whom are of Polish and Ukrainian descent.
The second issue is welfare reform. Welfare fraud is fresh on people’s minds here, thanks to the news of a Detroit area woman who was recently caught continuing to collect benefits despite winning a $1 million state lottery prize. Michiganders have a strong work ethic and remain justly proud of their state’s role as a pioneer of welfare reform in the 1990s. The charge that Obama is gutting welfare reform hits a nerve here.
I would love, love to see Michigan go Romney. When I was there in June, some of the lawyers suggested that possibility.  Hopefully it can become a reality.

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