Friday, July 13, 2012

Veepstakes:2012 Edition

I received the email from the Romney campaign about "Meet the VP!"  Yes, we are days or weeks away from the big announcement.

I would like Paul Ryan. Or Tim Pawlenty or Rob Portman or even Bobby Jindal or Marco Rubio.  The latest candidate du jour? Condi Rice.

Bill Kristol discussed this prospect a week ago. After the Drudge headline, Peggy Noonan jumps in, too.  Condi has huge positives (80%!) and does not seem tampered by her long association with the Bush Administration.  Net negatives? Her mild pro-choice stance, and she has never run for elective office.  And Dick Cheney was not a fan. Conservatives really won't love it.

But she is smart and tough, and the first female VP being a black woman? Well, if we can't have Janice Rogers Brown on the Supreme Court, would this do?

We shall see, sooner rather than later, won't we?

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