Tuesday, June 12, 2012

One of the Greatest Speeches Ever

25 years ago today, President Reagan uttered those immortal words, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

For those who are old enough to remember the Cold War (and yes, there are a lot of people who aren't!), that speech with such moral clarity is still resounding all of these years later. Wouldn't it be nice to have a President who spoke with such force, such conviction? Who knew what good and evil was and was really to bear the testimony, to bear witness to that clarity? God bless him, and God bless America.

I think of the young Czech girl that I sat next to on my flight back to DCA. 25 years ago, she would not have been able to do this. Travel the United States, study wherever she wanted to.  It was because of moments like this one that she had that kind of freedom. I hope generations of others living behind their own versions of an Iron Curtain get that same kind of liberty, too.

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