Girls, a new HBO series, premiered Sunday to a lot of critical acclaim and buzz. Apparently, it's Gen Y's Sex and the City. It also happens to star several actresses who just so happen to have famous parents with industry connections (like Brian Williams).
I don't have HBO, so I'm not sure I'm going to be watching it anytime soon, other than on You Tube. I'm a betweener, 10 years younger than the ladies of SATC and 10 years older (or more) than the Girls. So I can't really relate to either, though SATC (with the exception of Samantha) really was a Gen Xer show. Certainly these issues are timeless--coming of age, supporting yourself, figuring out life in the city and relationships and careers and friendships. I guess if you had this show for someone my age, you'd have Keri Russell, Reese Witherspoon, Candace Cameron, and Kate Winslet out there. Not quite Sarah Jessica Parker, and not quite Gen Y.
As long as the writing is good, not to mention the acting, then people will watch, even if you don't fit neatly into the generation that it's speaking to. But it sure seems funny when you are caught in between.
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