Friday, January 13, 2012


Starting with last night's dinner, this weekend has too much going on. Legal Seafoods for work. Roti with Jenny.  Dinner with Moira.  Two gatherings tomorrow. Biertgarten on Sunday. Thai on Monday. It never seems like it's ending, and it might all be too much. I'm tired from the last two weeks, and the first holiday weekend of the year cannot start soon enough. I want to eat well, not drink too much, get a few good workouts in, and protect my cold exposed kitchen.

I want to be a homebody, when it comes down to it. Nursing my book and some tea, watching football, sipping on wine, cooking. I really don't want to be out and about, spending money and having too much on my plate. And other times I am grateful for the distraction and the gift of friends who invite us out. And for the means to afford it.

This tightrope being gratitude and selfishness has been finer lately, particularly with respect to the burst pipe issue.  I want to wallow, and I want to feel relief. I guess I really am a creature of routine. That is something you don't appreciate when you are younger and want to be on the, because who wants to be lame and not have friends? But I want to hibernate now. And it's going to be busy. I guess there are worse things to deal with.

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