Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Enthusiasm Curbed

I have to admit, for maybe the first time ever, I've mustered up exactly zero interest in the new TV season. Maybe I get used to watching old Frasier and Office reruns and football, and maybe I get used to just finding other things to do in the evening.  But this is not at all like me.

In fact, it's hard for me to find much enthusiasm for much of everything. I'm bored. Well, not bored.  I'm deflated by these last several months, and exhausted, and just over the drama. I am enjoying my Mark Steyn and Dick Cheney books, and I'm enjoying trying to find new music. But everything else leaves me spent.  And that worries me.

I keep feeling like I'm just going to have a complete breakdown one of these days from the stress of everything--the constant tantrums, the fighting, the yelling, the name calling, and the work and the lack of appreciate and the lack of affection I'm feeling. I know stress does horrible things to people. But I think it might even do worse things to the people they surround.

Lord, give me strength.

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