Thursday, June 2, 2011

Capitol Hill Classic

2.5 weeks ago, I ran my first 10K, the Capitol Hill Classic.

I've been running/slumping lately, and it was a warm and muggy day. I was afraid it might rain. And I wasn't feeling terribly prepared, but I knew I could wing it...and thus I did. I finished in a very respectable 54:49, for an average of 8:47. Not great, and I've done better. 29/133 for my age group, and 233/984 overall. At least it was the top 25%. Mr. Speedy finished in a remarkable 51:16 for 8:15 miles. Faster than anything I've done since that St. Patrick's day 8K last year. But finishing a race is always an accomplishment, and it's a PR if you have not done that distance before.

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