Tuesday, November 2, 2010


That fateful, turning point election of 1994 is in the news again, as pundits wonder if the Republicans will repeat the successes of that year.   Others are pointing out that the experts were wrong that year, forecasting far fewer seats than the Republicans ultimately gained.  Still others are concerned that 2011-12 could be as divided as 1995-96, with a government lock-out and an ultimate Clinton reelction.

But Obama is no Bill Clinton.  He's no Ronald Reagan, either.  He has squandered a great deal of goodwill in two short years, alongside his arrogant partner, Nancy Pelosi, and blandly pointless Harry Reid, who may suffer the same fate as Tom Foley did sixteen years ago.

I was eighteen in 1994, and it was my first election. I voted absentee. In an era before the Internet, I don't know how other than Newsweek and the Chicago Tribune I gained my knowledge of the world.  But I remember becoming engaged in the process that year, and it ultimately switched my major from Business to Political Science. I was a charter member of the newly formed CR club, and it was great to meet like-minded women.  Not all young college students are liberals.  In fact, I know now that many are far more conservatively active than I even was.

I remember driving to see Newt Gingrich in Indianapolis Senior Year, and I remember having about 50+ at my first CR meeting as president.  It was an exciting time that truly formed who I am politically.

So hopefully there will be cheery results yet again in 2010, and indeed it will be a good night.  A very good night.  2008 was a temporary aberration, and 2006 showed the hubris of arrogant Republicans. Hopefully they have learned their lessons in humility and can teach a thing or two to the displaced  Dems. And in particular, Obama.

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