Yesterday I ran the Navy Five Miler, alone. The weather was overcast and drizzly and I was afraid I really would be running in a downpour.
The race was crowded at the start, and having us retrace our steps in the beginning didn't help. But things broke apart after Mile 1 and the crowd spread out in Mile 2. And it definitely opened up in Mile 3, the dreaded hill up Columbia Pike. If last year's race route was even hillier, than just ugh. But the downhill slope helped, and I did good until the end. And as almost always, I push so hard as the finish line is in sight, I feel a bit sick. But a quick cool down later, and I think I was ok. Finished in 42:30 or 42:40? Times still do not seem to be posted. Ugh again. Not quite the St. Patrick's Day race, which was dryer and flatter, but I will take it, because 8:30 miles are always good for me. My goal for the Army Ten Miler Part II is solid 9 minute miles, no more, no less. I know there is a big hill at the end of it, so I need to conserve some strength for that. And with the travel schedule coming up, I know I don't have much time for long runs, though I hope I can squeeze something in on Wednesday morning.
I did like the set up for the race, especially with parking so close. And the long-sleeved navy t-shirts were fantastic. The food was eh, the apples were at least edible. I hate how the cookies and muffins are SO fattening, because they negate the run. Have a few more healthier options--granola bars or something!
SO...results were 42:38, for an average of 8:32/minute. I came in 99th out of 909 women, in the top 11%. Overall, it was 455th out of 1942, for a rank in the top 24%. Not too bad!
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