Monday, May 24, 2010


So this was a good weekend, but the first thing I have to write about was last night's series finale of Lost. So sad that this show, which has been so entertaining for six years, is off the air. However, here are a couple of links that synthesize all of the responses to last night's episode. The Chicago Tribune one seemed particularly on point. Doc's is coming up!

And this ranking of episodes is pretty cool, too.

So what did I think? In some ways, I felt like there were a lot of questions unanswered. Like the fertility of the women on the island, the polar bear, the time travel. But the religious undertones, the idea of heaven, purgatory/limbo, the idea of fate vs. free will--all of it came together. I think Christian Shepherd's speech at the end about what happens when you die--being reunited with loved ones and finding each other--I think a lot of it resonated because that is what you hope happens. All of the people you loved and lost and went on the journey with come together and you reunite and you move forward together to what comes next, which is heaven.

Some details made little sense. Nadia always seemed to be Sayid's true love, not Shannon. Why did Jack have a son? And did they really have to kill Jin and Sun???? I wanted them to have the happily ever after with Kate, Claire, Miles, Lapidus, and Richard Alpert. But I liked the Doubting Thomas-esque nature of Ben, waiting outside the church. I liked Hurley, the good-natured one, becoming the guardian. And it felt appropriate for Jack to die in a way, seeing the plan overhead and his eye closing. It harkened back to the series premiere.

Lostpedia does a good job of rounding things up. I'm not entirely convinced the creators knew all along what they were doing--perhaps they knew the destination if not the journey. But a fabulous show, and I'm sorry to see it end.

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