Mr. Obama has repeatedly suggested that the security challenge of bringing more than 100 trained and dangerous terrorists onto U.S. soil can be solved by simply installing them in an impenetrable fortress. This view is either disingenuous or naïve. The militant Islamists at Guantanamo too dangerous to release believe that their resistance behind the wire is a continuation of holy war. There is every reason to believe they will continue their jihad once they have been transported to U.S. soil where certain federal judges have signaled a willingness to confer upon them even more rights.
The position of civil rights activists with regard to these prisoners is plain. “If they cannot be convicted,” says ACLU lawyer Jameel Jaffer, “then you release them.”
Meanwhile, in order to appease political constituencies both here and abroad, the Obama administration is moving full steam ahead, operating on the false premise that giving more civil liberties to religious fanatics bent on destroying Western civilization will make a difference in the Muslim world. In a letter sent to his father as he began his hunger strike, Reid provided a preview of how he will exercise his newly enlarged free speech rights, calling Mr. Obama a “hypocrite” who is “no better than George Bush.” His lawsuit remains active while the Department of Justice works out a settlement that satisfies the man who declared, “I am at war with America.”
Obama can't decide what to do with Gitmo, first wanting it close, and then basically following President Bush's policy. He lets the human rights for terrorists lobby decide for him, but he needles his way through the policy to create just enough of a loophole so he couldn't be held accountable if, God forbid, there is another attack on this country. It's been eight years since 9/11, but I don't think for a second that the possible for another one has evaporated in those years. Yes, thanks to President Bush and his policies, we haven't had another attack on our soil. But I'm afraid if the rights of these evil men are placed above those of the rest of us, the chances of another one will only increase.
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