I've spent the better part of my web surfing over the last couple of years checking out my favorite food bloggers. My favorite one is Self's Eat Like Me, which is profiled in the Washington Post today.
The other day, the New York Times discussed abandoned blogs, which is another phenomenon I've been interested in. I started this little project purely for myself, because I missed journaling, and I wanted an outlet to write again. I've always meant to develop it more than I've had, but life gets in the way or I can't think of a good topic or I procrastinate or I don't really want to take the next step to expand the project.
I could never be one of those meticulous, sometimes anal food bloggers who tracks every bite in their mouth. Let's see, yesterday I ate toast, some cereal, and blueberries in the morning; some pretzels for a snack; a salad, roll, and small cookie at Corner Bakery for lunch; and bertolli and bread/evoo for dinner. Ugh, boring. I have thought about workouts (ran to the gym, twenty minutes on the elliptical reading the Sandra Bullock issue of Glamour, ran home), but I have never been able to track that consistently, either.
I could write more on politics, or Detroit, or pop culture, but really: I've always been a generalist. I've never focused on one particular thing, though I gravitate toward what I've written about: sports, Detroit, politics, food, travel, random funny articles I've seen. And I guess that is what this will remain, though I do want to recommit myself to at least posting something daily (or several times a week). Perhaps stating this goal here will propel me toward fulfilling that. It will make me a better writer, hopefully a more critical writer, and it will give me something to do during boring days at work when I'm feeling unfilled and bored out of my mind. Did I say bored twice??!!??
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