Monday, June 23, 2008

Detroit, Tourist Destination!

The Washington Post profiled Detroit this weekend.

"It looks like a nuclear bomb went off," Chris assessed, after picking me up from my downtown hotel.

The streets were idle and empty. So many of the buildings that were hauntingly handsome at night were sad in daylight; windowless, hollow and crumbling. Lot after lot laid bare, covered with slabs of broken concrete or half-dead weeds. Warehouses, storefronts, office buildings left to rot, sealed with plywood, disfigured by graffiti.

I thought parts of the piece were unfair. But truthfully, the city has deteriorated so badly over the last four decades, it could be described as miserable. That being said, witnessing the energy at a Tigers game or heading into Greektown or visiting its music clubs will make those doubters think there is a bit of hope there.

I guess the mantra about I can criticize my hometown as much as anyone, but don't you dare criticize it is certainly true!

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