Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Convention Stuff, Wedding Stuff

Well, my 9th convention is over and out. Ugh. As much as I like to catch up with friends as these things, I am so so so glad it is over. And I'm certainly irked by things that didn't go smoothly here. 1) lack of contingency plan for someone who has been ill quite often. 2) stepping in, ditching assigned responsibilities, and bossiness. 3) not being sufficiently grateful for everyone who did step in.

Well, enough about that. Giuliani gave a good speech, though I really wish the words "freedom to choose" never left his lips. I guess whomever I vote for will be a compromise candidate. At least he, Mitt, and Fred all acknowledge the importance of the judges issue.

We're going to look at the dream site tonight, the Reagan Building. It will be so, so expensive, but at least we will see that option. I am really anxious to get some details settled on soon. There is so much to do.

We leave tomorrow p.m. for Detroit!!!

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