Monday, September 10, 2007

Football, Adams Morgan, and New Music

--I went to my first Adams Morgan Day yesterday, which is shameful, since I've been in the area for nine years, and living in the area for two. But it always coincides with the first NFL weekend of the year, and someone's obsession with the Cowboys usually prohibits my attendance at said festival. The day was hotter than it should be for September--90 and humid--which slightly dampened my good time. But I had the chance to pick up some chicken on a stick and check out some of the artsy vendors. Very neat. I miss the festivals from St. V's when I was a kid, with the tasty carnival food and games and music. No polka on 18th Street, but it was a neat event. A little too crowded, but a good time.

--The 'Boys and the Lions both won their first game of the season. Yeah!

--I had to go up to Melody Records to pick up a new pair of earphones, and they had samplers of new Fall music, including from the New Pornographers, Band of Horses, Architecture in Helsinki, Iron and Wine, and some new bands I'm looking forward to getting a listen to. It's from Alternative Distribution Alliance. Very cool, and very worth the hot trek up to Dupont Circle.

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